Category Archives: Houseplants

There’s something missing…

Auditorium_plantsI’ve been maintaining houseplants in an Auditorium for a couple of years now and was rather puzzled at the extremely slow rate of growth on the Aglaonema plants. They were just not taking well to the situation. Having 4 years experience in managing a houseplant department in a retail garden centre, I was convinced I was giving them the best care.
I was always careful not to overwater them as they are not fond of that. With glass overhead and a relatively good, although fluctuating air temperature, they still looked very healthy. Planted in fresh houseplant soil with slow release feed granules, they had everything they needed. Even regular misting of the foliage in warmer temperatures was exercised.
Still not much success….
On feeling the soil, it felt rather dry (which they don’t mind at all). It then dawned on me that without water, how would they take advantage of the perfect soil conditions.
I took a chance and began watering them more frequently with care not to water too much in cooler temperatures.
The difference in growth rate was phenomenal! The plants were then able to take up all the goodness and began thriving. it was the final piece in the puzzle
It shows how the success in growing certain plants is a variety of factors all working in harmony.

Happy gardening!