Tag Archives: Wildlife


Bees Needs Week 2017

img_0949With my recent visit to Hampton Court Flower Show, I took advantage of buying several plants in support of ‘Bees Needs Week’. I have a particular love for bumble bees and it gives me great motivation knowing that if I plant several plants that attract them to my garden, I would feel that I am providing for them as they provide for us – win/win scenario!

These are the plants that I have chosen while making my way through the floral marquee and other plant stalls. It is a mix of purple, pink and white:

Bees Needs Week plant selectionCatananche caerulea ‘Amor White’
Astrantia ‘Moulin Rouge’
Phlox paniculata ‘Pina Colada’
Echinacea pallida
Eryngium giganteum ‘Silver Ghost’
Eryngium zabelii ‘Big Blue’
Salvia jamensis ‘Nachtvlinder’
Salvia greggii ‘Alba’
Alstroemeria ‘Inticancha Dark Purple’
Sanguisorba ‘Pink Tanna’

If you would like more information on the Bees Needs Week / Pollinator Awareness Week, please click here.

If you are interested in learning more about these beautiful insects, have a read here.

If you’re feeling generous and would like to make a donation to conserving the bumblebee, then this is where you can make it possible.

Thank you for reading and I hope that as we broaden our knowledge and awareness of the role that the bees play in our everyday life, we may begin ‘paying it back’ with a small change in our approach to gardening for wildlife.

Happy gardening…

Our top 5 Winter scented plants

SarcococcaOur all time favourite of Winter interest plants has to be Sarcococca confusa with its pungent sweet scent. Not only is the scent a major attraction, but the glossy dark green evergreen foliage is pleasing to the eye too. The glossy black berries they produce are also a source of food for wildlife such as birds, making it a valuable addition if you want to attract wildlife to your garden. It is best grown in part shade in soil with good drainage and also makes a fantastic option for containers in a slightly shady spot.

Winter HoneysuckleOur second is the deciduous shrub Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ or otherwise known as Winter Honeysuckle. The bare stems are adorned with strongly scented flowers all through the Winter. It’s the sort of shrub which fills the air with scent making you wonder where it is coming from.

Our third choice is Hamamelis or Witchhazel with its strange claw-like
flowers in shades of yellow red and orange. The strong coloration on the flower and the subtle scents draw your attention from a distance. Another great attraction to this shrub is the autumn colours it displays…fantastic!

Our fourth choice is Chimonanthus praecox or Wintersweet. As the name suggests, it is a deciduous shrub producing highly fragrant sweetly scented yellow flowers on the bare Winter stems. It is well suited to the Cottage garden look and if given a sunny sheltered spot, will provide you with a great focal point that packs a punch with scent!

ViburnumOur last choice for Winter shrub delights is none other than the deciduous varieties of Viburnum, such as Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’. Forming large shrubs with clusters of pink or white flowers, they are ideally positioned in a sunny spot at the back of the border as a feature plant. With several well known scented varieties, you can pick one that compliments your planting theme.

Take a visit to your local Garden Centre and try source at least one of these plants and you will not be disappointed with your latest addition to your garden.

Happy gardening!

My top 5 Winter scented plants

SarcococcaMy all time favourite of Winter interest plants has to be Sarcococca confusa with its pungent sweet scent. Not only is the scent a major attraction, but the glossy dark green evergreen foliage is pleasing to the eye too. The glossy black berries they produce are also a source of food for wildlife such as birds, making it a valuable addition if you want to attract wildlife to your garden. It is best grown in part shade in soil with good drainage and also makes a fantastic option for containers in a slightly shady spot.

Winter HoneysuckleMy second is the deciduous shrub Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ or otherwise known as Winter Honeysuckle. The bare stems are adorned with strongly scented flowers all through the Winter. It’s the sort of shrub which fills the air with scent making you wonder where it is coming from.

My third choice is Hamamelis or Witchhazel with its strange claw-like
flowers in shades of yellow red and orange. The strong coloration on the flower and the subtle scents draw your attention from a distance. Another great attraction to this shrub is the autumn colours it displays…fantastic!

WintersweetMy fourth choice is Chimonanthus praecox or Wintersweet. As the name suggests, it is a deciduous shrub producing highly fragrant sweetly scented yellow flowers on the bare Winter stems. It is well suited to the Cottage garden look and if given a sunny sheltered spot, will provide you with a great focal point that packs a punch with scent!

ViburnumMy last choice for Winter shrub delights is none other than the deciduous varieties of Viburnum, such as Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’. Forming large shrubs with clusters of pink or white flowers, they are ideally positioned in a sunny spot at the back of the border as a feature plant. With several well known scented varieties, you can pick one that compliments your planting theme.

Take a visit to your local Garden Centre and try source at least one of these plants and you will not be disappointed with your latest addition to your garden.

Happy gardening!