Tag Archives: mowing

Gardening chores for March

What to focus on, as your gardening chores for March:

Perennials_emerging1. With all the new growth emerging, make sure you protect the growth from the nasty slugs.

2. It’s the time of the year to plant the early potatoes, onions and shallots.

3. Make sure you get your Summer flower bulbs planted to ensure a Summer garden that is full of colour.

4. Those clumps of perennials that are getting out of hand need lifting and dividing now.

5. If you have appreciated the wonderful Winter colour of the stems of Cornus, unfortunately it’s time to cut them back now, as they will be coming into leaf.Cornus_alba_siberica

6. If you are a big fan of container gardening, they could benefit from having a good top dressing with some fresh compost. Begin feeding from April onwards as they begin actively growing.

7. If you stand still long enough, you may see the weeds growing. Make sure you remove them before it gets out of control.

Mowing_lawn8. If we are blessed with some dry days, you may need to get the mower out to begin your Spring lawncare regime.

9. Sow the half-hardy annuals and vegetable under cover or in the greenhouse to get ahead of the game. Just don’t be tempted to plant out later in the month if the weather is warmer. March can be very unpredictable.

10. If you have not already done so, prune your roses and mulch them with a decent layer of compost and some slow release food granules mixed in.

Happy Gardening!

Gardening chores for February

What to focus on, as your gardening chores for February:

apple_pruning1. Still ensure that all your tender plants are securely protected by fleece.

2. If not already done, its your last chance to prune the dormant shrubs and trees that require a good shaping up. Any Winter flowering shrubs must be pruned after they have finished flowering. Take care not to cut the Spring flowering shrubs back otherwise you may miss the show this year.

3. Any bareroot plants such as roses and trees can be planted, as long as the soil is not frozen or waterlogged. This gets them off to the best start in Spring.

4. Net your fruit and vegetables to keep the birds away.

5. Plant onion, shallots and garlic towards the end of this month.

6. Late flowering clematis can be cut back to the lowest and strongest buds followed by a good mulch and feed.

7. The ornamental grasses that have been left over Winter, can now be cut back, as you would have noticed the new shoots emerging.Lawn_care_moss_and_thatch

8. Mowing may be necessary if the weather is mild, but do not mow if the conditions are very wet as you may damage the lawn.

9. A lighter form of lawn scarification can be done with a leaf rake to begin clearing the remaining moss for preparation of overseeding your bare patches.

10. Chit your potato tubers in preparation for planting.

Happy Gardening!